Care Boat canopies washing impregnation hanse 575


The canopy fabric itself cannot mold; it is external particles that cause mold.

Microorganisms (mold, algae, mildew) arise in particular when the three factors of moisture, dirt and heat are present simultaneously for a long time. To avoid this, make sure you always have good ventilation under the canopy, never store the canopy in a damp place and clean it regularly.

Winter cover winter canopy sailboat hull cover

Winter storage

We do not recommend storing on the boat as it is prone to wear and tear and mold damage. Remove the canopy from the frames, check if anything needs to be repaired and repair in the autumn. Make sure the canopy is really dry and store it at room temperature without moisture.

Cleaning and impregnation

Dirt and stains on canopies and cushions are unavoidable in the long run. More advice and tips can be found below. Here is our own care advice along with the best advice from the manufacturer of the canopy fabric. 

Accidents happen, but fortunately, stains can usually be removed if you use the right method. Don't worry, our supplier Sunbrella has produced a number of short informative videos on how to remove the more common stains on canopies and cushions.

Follow the link to access our Youtube channel where you will find a variety of examples!

How to remove a ketchup stain!